Have fun placing the following class and answering the questions.
1 – Best slope to croup?
2 – Least TWH characteristics?
3 – Most plain about the face?
4 – Lowest tying neck?
*Note: Original illustrations for this publication are not currently available from UMC online or in print, (the printed publication is out-of-stock and there are no plans for reprinting). References to the original illustrations have been edited out. The illustration used in this online reprinting of the article is courtesy of the Appaloosa Horse Club. Fundamentals of Conformation and Horse JudgingWayne Loch and Melvin BradleyDepartment of Animal Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia William H. Slemp Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Missouri-Columbia Looking for a good horse? This guide offers tips for judging or just looking. Horses must be "athletes" to be useful. Certain qualities of conformation are necessary for good performance. Discussion in this guide can be applied to any breed or weight of horse. PHOTO/DIAGRAM COURTESY OF THE APPALOOSA HORSE CLUB http://www.appaloosa.com/ Body dimensions and performanceMajor contributions to a good-bodied horse include long, sloping shoulders, short, strong back, long underline and long, rather level croup. If shoulders are long and sloping, they extend the stride in running, absorb shock, reduce stumbling, move the elbows away from the girth, and raise the head slightly. They should be surmounted by clean, high withers that extend well backward to afford maximum security of the saddle.Short backs and long underlines move the fore and rear legs farther apart, tend to raise the croup and head, contribute to style and action, and increase height and length of stride. Also, short backs are stronger, reduce the length of coupling (hip bone to last rib), and are usually more muscular than others. Finally, well-sprung ribs that blend into hips and shoulders with minimum roughness tend to accompany short backs. Long, rather level croups accommodate more muscling, increase style and balance, and are less often associated with crooked hind legs. Since all of the power used in motion comes from the hindquarters, muscular development should be extensive, commensurate with breed requirements. Breeching, thighs and gaskins should be especially muscular. Long, smooth muscles are preferred to those that are short and bunchy. Leverage is gained with maximum length from hip to hock and minimum length of cannon. These dimensions are developed to a high degree in breeds that race. Smoothness, balance and symmetry are a result of all parts blending together, being of proportionate size, and each contributing equally to the whole of a symmetrical individual. These combined with refinement, alertness and a proud carriage contribute to style. Leg setBe thorough when observing leg set of a horse. Proper leg set is essential to durability and good action. A leg should be properly positioned under each corner of the body, knees and hocks should not deviate inward or outward, and feet should point straight forward. If a horse stands straight, he will probably move straight. Conversely, if he stands on crooked legs, he must move likewise (see Leg Set: Its Effect on Action and Soundness of Horses). Crooked moving detracts from appearance, wastes energy and predisposes to unsoundnesses.Legs should be positioned on the corners of the body. A straight line drawn from the arm downward should bisect the forearm, knee, cannon, fetlock, and pass behind the bulb of the heel. A line drawn from the point of the shoulder downward should bisect the arm, knee, cannon, fetlock, pastern, and hoof. When viewed from the side, a straight line drawn downward from the back of the buttock should touch the back of the hock, cannon, and fetlock. Viewed from behind the line should bisect the gaskin, hock, cannon, fetlock, pastern, and foot. Pasterns should be medium in length, sloped at approximately 45 degrees, and flexible but strong. Hoofs should have the same angle as pasterns, and be deep and wide at the heels, moderate in size, dense of horn, and free of rings. White hoofs are softer (wear faster) than others. Slope of shoulders and pasterns and expansion of heels account for shock absorption when the horse is in motion. Bone should be adequate in size, show definition of joints, and should appear flat viewed from the side, compared to a front view. Bone spavins, bogs, thoroughpins, and weakness are common to sickle hocks. Jarring from short, straight pasterns and shoulders predisposes to side bones, stiffness, bogs, and lameness (see Unsoundness and Blemishes of Horses: Feet and Legs). Pigeon toes tend to wing, whereas splayed feet tend to swing inward in motion. Effect of quality on wearabilityQuality is indicated by refinement of head, bone, joints and hair coat. It is reflected in thin skin, prominent veins and absence of coarseness, especially in the legs. Good circulation in the legs is important to durability. Coarse, "meaty" legs with reduced circulation tend to stock, puff, bog, and become unsound. A horse of quality has more attractiveness, therefore more buyer appeal.Effect of head and neck on flexibilityThe length and shape of a horse's neck and size of his head affect action. The neck should be long, slightly arched, and fine and clean at the throatlatch for maximum balance, style and maneuverability. Fine throats enhance ease of breathing and allow maximum flexion of the chin without binding the jaws on the neck. Short-necked, thick-throated horses "steer" hard and may be "head slingers" from jaw pressure when pulled up short. Size of head should be in accord with breed requirements. Ears should not be oversized and should be carried alertly. Eyes should be wide-spaced, large and clear. Nostrils should be large but refined, and lips firm instead of pendulous.Effect of disposition on usefulnessIf riding is to be a joy and safety a requirement, good dispositions become a "must." They may be both "born" and "made." Some breeds are more docile than others, and wide differences exist among individuals within breeds. Any horse appropriately trained will have a satisfactory disposition for normal riding. Conversely, horses of excellent dispositions can be spoiled by improper handling. Watch the ears and eyes of the horse for nervousness and resistance. Have the owner handle its feet. Ride the horse (if it is trained) to see if it is dependable and adequate for your purposes. Take it on a trial basis if possible. Green colts will usually be unsatisfactory for beginners.Courage or "heart" is necessary for horses used for racing and sporting events. Intelligence or ability to learn is an asset in any horse. These can be identified in horses trained or in training and may be predicted in part by pedigree or family relationships. A horse with the conformation and disposition described is physically able to be an effective performer. To do so, it needs to be fed appropriately and kept healthy. |
Leg Set: Its Effect on Action and Soundness of HorsesMelvin BradleyDepartment of Animal Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia It is difficult to over-emphasize underpinning (feet and legs) when appraising the worth of a horse. Except for breeding stock, horses are useful only when in motion. In a very real sense, the horse is an athlete. Any physical handicap that causes it to be clumsy, use excessive energy to perform a task, be hard riding, lack strength or speed, or wear excessively, decreases its potential usefulness. Good action is determined largely by set of the feet and legs, slope of the shoulders and pasterns, and shortness of back and coupling relative to length of underline or belly. Good performance reflects structural straightness, physical fitness and confidence gained from systematic training. Breeders or prospective buyers can save much time by avoiding horses whose potential is limited by physical handicaps, such as crooked legs, if they become proficient in identifying handicaps and allocating their resources accordingly. Some physical handicaps are "acquired" through faulty diet or injury, but probably far more of these are claimed than actually exist. In most cases the condition is genetic and must be charged to the sire and/or dam. For this reason, breeding animals, especially stallions, should be free of major conformation defects. Correct and incorrect leg setCorrect leg set implies "a leg under each corner of the body," accompanied by adequate, straight bone with short cannons; long, correctly sloped pasterns and medium-sized, balanced feet. A horse that stands correctly will almost always move correctly. Conversely, one that stands crooked must move likewise.Front legsA plumb line dropped from the point of the shoulder should bisect the knee, cannon, ankle and foot (Figure 1A). One dropped from the arm should bisect the forearm, knee, cannon, and fetlock, and pass behind the heel (Figure 2A). The pasterns should be compatible in length with breed requirements, slope at an angle of 45 degrees, and join the foot without changing this angle. Figures 1B through 1F and 2B through 2F show common defects of front leg set that affect action.Figure 1A. Straight legs, good front. Figure 1B. Splay-footed. Figure 1C. Pigeon-toed. Figure 1D. Knock-kneed, narrow front, base wide. Figure 1E. Base-narrow. Figure 1F. Bow-kneed. Figure 2A. Correct, good bone. Figure 2B. Pastern too straight. Figure 2C. Pastern too long and flat, angle different than foot, "coon-footed." Figure 2D. Calf-kneed, short, straight pastern. Figure 2E. Buck-kneed or over on the knee. Figure 2F. "Tied in" or fine bone below the knee. Splayed feet and pigeon toes are quite common and affect action in proportion to their degree. Knock knees, bowed knees and base-narrow defects are less common but affect action and predispose to unsoundnesses. Short, straight pasterns increase concussion to the horse and rider, which seriously predispose the horse to unsoundnesses and induce fatigue to horse and rider. Long, weak pasterns ride easily but affect action and are undesirable for good stops with roping horses. Calf knees are common and detract from appearance, whereas buck knees are uncommon except with jumpers. "Tied-in" below the knee or hock indicates inadequate tendon and ligament development for long, trouble-free service. Hind legsBone structure of the hind leg determines, to a large degree, the set of the feet and legs, and to a lesser degree arrangement and shape of muscling in the hind quarters (Figure 4A). Correct leg set can't be achieved with crooked bones. Bone structure is genetically determined. A plumb line dropped from the point of the buttock should bisect the thigh, gaskin, hock, cannon, fetlock, pastern and foot (Figure 3A). Viewed from the side, it should contact the back of the hock, cannon, and fetlock (Figure 4B).Figures 3B through F and 4C through F show common faults of hind leg set. Figure 3A. Straight legs. Figure 3B. Slightly cow-hocked. Figure 3C. Extremely cow-hocked, splay-footed. Figure 3D. Bow-legged or bandy-legged or "too wide," pigeon toed. Figure 3E. Base-narrow or stands close. Figure 3F. Base-wide or stands wide. Figure 4A. Correct skeletal structure. Figure 4B. Correct leg set. Figure 4C. Sickle-hocked or too much set. Figure 4D. Post-legged or too straight, "coon-footed." Figure 4E. Camped under or stands under. Figure 4F. Defects of this magnitude should not be propagated. Almost all horses display cow hocks to a degree. Some horse owners prefer that hocks point slightly toward each other with the feet pointing slightly outward. This is insurance against wide hocks or bandy legs. Noticeable cow hocks are undesirable both from the standpoint of action and appearance. Bandy legs or wide hocks seriously deter collected action and predispose to unsoundness. Sickle hocks are quite common and are serious because of the stress placed on the hocks in performance and the many unsoundnesses that are associated with them. View a stallion with sickle hocks with concern. Boggy hocks usually are seen with post-legs. Correct and incorrect actionCorrect action. The feet and legs of a horse at the walk or trot should move straight ahead parallel to an imaginary center line in the direction of travel. The feet should rock upward from the heel and break over squarely at the toe and should rise with a snap. They should be carried forward in a straight arc with the highest point of the arc occurring at the center of travel or when the supporting leg is passed. They should be set solidly and squarely on the ground with toes pointing straight ahead. Any deviation from this procedure is a defect of action. See Figures 5 and 6. This is not to say that all good horses must have perfect action. Many compensate by intelligence, willingness, and practice; however, correct action would make them better horses.Figure 5. Straight, true action. Figure 6. Correct, true arc, balanced feet. Some common incorrect actions:
Figure 7. Winding or rope walking.
Figure 8. Interfering or dishing or winging in.
Figure 9. Paddling or winging.
Specific effect of leg set on action and unsoundnesses
Figure 10. Incorrect arc, long toes, flat heels.
Figure 11. Incorrect arc, short toes, high heels.